Waale 101
Hello! Welcome to Waale 101-- a class rarely offered since the language is only spoken by about 300,000 people, so pay attention and learn well. Let's start with greetings! "A" signifies the greeter, "B" the one being greeted. Morning: A: Ansomaa (AHN-so-mah) / Good morning B: Ehsie (S-E-A) / Yes, it is good B: Edagenya (Ehd-ah-JEN-ya) / How did you sleep? A: A bie song (Ah BEE-eh song) / Fine Afternoon: A: Antare (AHN-tayr-ay) / Good afternoon B: Minate (MIN-ah-tay) / Yes, it is good B: Kaa toma? (Kah toh-MAH) / How is work? A: A bie song (Ah BEE-eh song) / Fine Evening: A: Anola (ah-NO-la) / Good evening B: Jeamaye (Jay-UH-my-ay) / Yes, it is good B: Kaa toma?* (Kah toh-MAH) / How is work? A: A bie song (Ah BEE-eh song) / Fine *Kaa toma is interchangeable with any question about how things are. Here are some common questions: Kaa yideme: How is your family? Kaa beehee: How are your children? Kaa sera/poga: How is your husband